The Newspaper Friends' (Jornal dos Amigos) it needs investors

Keep a quality standard of a product demands constant investment

The Newspaper Friends' (Jornal dos Amigos) was born by chance in the wish of select important information that make difference in the everyday of the friends. By today it keeps this editorial line, but searching the reflection that does the reader think.

Of attachment in e-mail formated in Word starting from November 1998, it won the pages of the Internet in May 2000. Now that we have experience in edition wish higher flights, like chats creation for facility from friends' encounter and refinement in the quality of the introduced information, like the good professionals contract in the communication area, photos acquisition, illustrations, especially written texts for The Newspaper Friends', new layout and much more.

Daily receives about 300 visitors. When we warn new edition, it arrives to the double. We recognize that it is very little. But the visits arrive more and more of several parts of the world, with at least 30 daily visits: United States, Japan, Switzerland, Portugal, Canada, Spain are larger frequency countries.

The Newspaper Friends' also waits opportunity to turn printed edition in Brazil. In March last year was made pilot edition of four pages to check public's reaction. The answer was the best possible, but we verify larger problem with the distribution logistics. We think the project is viable with the informative circulating in chain stores and patronized by the offered products stores, such as hypermarkets, drugstores or telephony chain.

We wait your contact.


Fone and fax: +55 31 3411-5091 - Celular: +55 31 9994-0640


Business opportunity